Re-write the sentences. Use the passive

1. They should call the police.

2. Someone hit him on the head.

3. I hope they’ll choose me for the basketball team.

4. The fire fighters have already put the fire.

5. He has already repaired his car.

6. A kind passer-by helped him cross the street.

7. The company has also promised him a bonus.

8. A local guide will show us the sights.

9. His colleague helped him finish the report.

10. They have offered me a job.

11. They have built a new hospital.

12. When did you buy this car?


Ответ дал: lukrainka914


The police should be called

His head is hited

I hope I will be chosen for the basketball team

The fire has been already put

The car has been repaired

A bonus has been promised to him

The sights will be shown to us

The job was offered to me

A new hospital has been built

When this car was bought

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