що змінило ваше життя, коли ви почали ходити в школу? (15.реч.)
пж очень срочно​

dasanovinka: на каком языке писать?
Аноним: англ


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


Before I started school, I had the chance to move to a different area. There were new people everywhere.  I was excited as everything was new. I felt uncomfortable first.

Starting my school helped me grow into the person I wanted to be. Later I felt comfortable for some reason and was happy to be myself.  I was quickly accepted and felt like I was actually cared for. Most of the pupils did the best they could to make friends with me.  Now in life, I’m surrounded by more supporting people than I ever have been. I have a wonderful group of friends that I’ve had since I started school.  This didn’t just help my social life, but my marks.                                                                                                                  The teachers helped me grow into my confidence, and were confident in my work. They did everything they could to help me and give me a comfortable learning environment.   I became more educated. I gained much knowledge in different subjects.


vasilii282: Помогите пожалуйста с английским
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