В 1 завданні потрібно вибрати правильне слово, в 2 тоже, в 3 зробити одне речення з двох, в 4 скласти діалог з слів.Буду дуже вдячний.



Ответ дал: babur050105

1. 1) live 2) to speak 3) use to 4) used 5) used 6) used to 7) have 8) use

2. 1) since 2) used 3) to 4) wear 5) used 6) Did 7) for 8) used 9) Did 10) because 11) Do 12) so

3. 2) he gave up his job, because he hated it. 3) I was very late, so i took a taxi. 4) We had to study hard to pass our exams. 5) He went to the doctor because he felt ill. 6) He is an artist so he can draw very well. 7) She is thinking about about becoming dentist to earn good money. 8) She felt very tired so she decided to have a break. 9) He arrived late for interview because he missed the bus 10) She bought some chocolate to make a cake

4. A: Could you help me, please?

B: I'll try

A: Do you know when the bookshop opens?

B: I think it opens at 9.30

A: halp past nine? is there a discount for students?

B: you get 10% off

A: Can you get a coffee there?

B: Yes, there is a cafe on second floor

A: also can you tell me where is student centre

B: I'm going now- I'll take you there

A: That's very kind

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