Complete the sentences with one word in each space (the first letters are given)
16. I’m in c…. of a small team of staff.
17. We have in this country a supermarket c…. .
18. I got a job in one of the s……….. .
19. She is going to a…. for the job.
20. He was sure he could do b…. for himself.

Complete the sentences with the correct words (the first letters are given)
21. Where can I try f….. s…… before I buy?
22. When we buy one, get one free we call it s…… o…. .
23. My wife always p…. u… loads of bargains whenever she goes shopping.
24. I hate when I need to q…… u….. at the checkout, it is such a waste of time .
25. We’d better take a t…… rather than a b…… as we are going to buy food for the whole week.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj

Ответ:  Complete the sentences with the correct words (the first letters are given)

16. I’m in charge of a small team of staff.

17. We have in this country a supermarket chain .

18. I got a job in one of the shops .

19. She is going to apply for the job.

20. He was sure he could do better for himself.

21. Where can I try for sweets/ something???  before I buy?

22. When we buy one, get one free we call it sell out .

23. My wife always puts  up loads of bargains (выгодных покупок) whenever she goes shopping.

24. I hate when I need to queue up at the checkout, it is such a waste of time.

25. We’d better take a trolley rather than a basket as we are going to buy food for the whole week.


dobbywithsock: Мне кажется в 21 правильный ответ free sample:) С остальным согласен:)
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