Test for 8th grade 1.How often your rooms ? a) are-aired b)are-being aired c)have-aired d)has been aired 2. What question when I came in? a) was discussed d)discussed b) was being discussed c)disscuses 3. All the letters into the fire a) throw b) threw 4. A sick man_ to the hospital after the shock c) thrown d) were thrown a) is taking b) will taken c) was taken d) was take 5. He pretended for something in this room. a)look b)to be looking c)to be looked d)looked 6. _fair to you,I haven't been to this place. a)to be b)be c)to being d)to have been 7.It's up to you this proposal or not. b)to accept c) accept a)to have accepted d)accepting 8.It was a great pleasure in fine frosty weather. a)been skiing b)ski c)having skied d)to ski 9. The large building in our street is a new drama theatre. a)have built b)being built c)is built d)build 10.A large branch which by the wind,lay across the road. a)have broken b)has broken c)being broken d)had been broken 11.Who made you, b)to laugh c)laughing a)laugh d)laughed 12.Some children hate to school. algoing b)goes c)have gone d)are​


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