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Ответ дал: mdoniyorbekov070706


1. Mr.Brown is the richest man in London

2.My uncle is more generous than his wife

3. My cousin is as kind as his sisters

4. Natavan is as not kind as her brother

5. She is the shortest women in the world

6. Her brother is as tall as her father

7. Their room is bigger than ours

8. The Nile is longer than the Amazon

9. Khayyam is the best player in the team

10 The Volga isn't so long as the Mississippi

11. Egypt is the most ancient county

12 Our meals are the most delicious in the world

13. These are the most exciting books in the library

14. This is the most comfortable armchair in the room

15 The Nile is the Longest river in the world

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