Change the following sentences into indirect speech .
1. John said , " I love this town . "
2. " Do you like soccer ? " he asked me .
3. " I can't drive a lorry , " he said . "
4. " Be nice to your brother , " he said .
5. " Don't be nasty , " he said .
6. " Don't waste your money " she said .
7. " What have you decided to do ? " she asked him .
8. I always wake up early , " he said .
9. " You should revise your lessons , " he said .
10. " Where have you been ? " he asked me.
11. He said , " I have got a toothache "
12. Manu said , " I am very busy now " .
13. " Hurry up , " she said to to us .
14. " Give me a cup of water , " he told her . 15. She said , " I am going to college . "
16. She said to me , " Thank you "
17. Raju said , " Gautam must go tomorrow " 18. Geetha says , " My father is an Engineer."
19. He said , " I have passed the physical test . "
20. She said to me , " You are my only friend . "


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1. John said that he loved that town.

2. He asked me if I liked soccer.

3. He said that he couldn't drive a lorry.

4. He told me to be nice to my brother.

5. He told us not to be nasty.

6. She asked me not to waste my money.

7. She asked him what he had decided to do.

8. He said that he always woke up early.

9. He said we should revise our lessons.

10. He asked me where I had been.

11. He said that he had a toothache.

12. Manu said (that) he was very busy at that moment.

13.  She told us to hurry up.

14. He told her to give him a cup of water.

15. She said that she was going to college.

16. She thanked me.

17. Raju said that Gautam had to go the next day.

18. Geetha says (that) her father is an engineer.

19. He said that he had passed the physical test.

20. She said to me that I was her only friend.


При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать правило согласования времён (см. таблицу ниже).
В случае косвенных вопросов важно помнить про прямой порядок слов в предложении.
Если косвенная речь вводится при помощи глагола в форме прошедшего времени, то нужно изменить обстоятельства времени (см. приложение к ответу)

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