Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени пассивного
залога. Укажите время в каждом предложении.
1. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) than in winter.
2. The new shopping centre (build) last year.
3. The film (produce / not) in Hollywood.
4. The car already (sell).
5. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the next month.
6. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination.
7. This room (use) only on special occasions.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


In summer, more ice cream is eaten than in winter. Present Simple passive

The new shopping centre was built last year. Past Simple passive

The film hasn't been produced in Hollywood. Present Perfect passive

The car has already been sold. Present Perfect passive.

The paintings will be exhibited till the end of the month. Future Simple passive.

Dictionaries may not be used at the examination. Present Simple passive.

This room is used only on special occasions. Present Simple passive.


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