помогите срочно 3. Complete with the correct form of the word in brackets: 1. She plays the game to us. (different) than ours. (rough) 2. Their team is much 3. The new golf club hits the ball____ than the old one. (far) 4. The team captain gave out the winnings (even) 5. They had to____________a net and ball. (borrow) 6. Your team mascot always more noise than ours. (make)​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1. She plays the game differently to us.

2. Their team is much rougher than ours.

3. The new golf club hits the ball farther than the old one.

4. The team captain gave out the winnings evenly.

5. They had to borrow a net and ball.

6. Your team mascot always makes more noise than ours.


1. Она играет иначе, чем мы.

2. Их команда намного грубее/жёстче нашей.

3. Новая клюшка для гольфа отбивает мяч дальше, чем старая.

4. Капитан команды раздал выигрыш поровну.

5. Им пришлось одолжить сетку и мяч.

6. Ваш талисман команды всегда шумит больше, чем наш.

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