Выберите правильный вариант формы глагола:

1. I wait / I’ll wait here until you come / you’ll come back.

2. I’m going to bed when I finish / I’ll finish my work.

3. We come / We’ll come and see you when we’re / we’ll be in England again.

4. When I see / I’ll see you tomorrow, I show / I’ll show you the photographs.

5. Would you like something to drink before you go / you’ll go to bed?

6. Don’t go out yet. Wait until the rain stops / will stop.

7. She’s going away soon. I’m / I’ll be very sad when she leaves / she’ll leave.

8. I’m going to New York next month. While I’m / I’ll be there, I hope to see lots of old friends.


Ответ дал: ayanjabiyeva

1.I will wait until you come

2.I'm going to bed whrn i finish my work

3.we will come, we will be

4.I see,i will show

5.you go


7.I will be, when she leaves

8.I am there

Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1. I’ll wait here until you come back.

2. I’m going to bed when I finish my work.

3. We’ll come and see you when we’re in England again.

4. When I see you tomorrow, I’ll show you the photographs.

5. Would you like something to drink before you go to bed?

6. Don’t go out yet. Wait until the rain stops.

7. She’s going away soon. I’ll be very sad when she leaves.

8. I’m going to New York next month. While I’m there, I hope to see lots of old friends.


После союзов, присоединяющих придаточные времени (when, after, before, until (till), while), в этих придаточных не используются времена группы Future — их заменяют на Present.

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