Допоможіть, потрібно поставити ці речення в пасивний стан
1) We have already cleaned the room.
2) They have published her new book recently.
3) Dinner is ready and hot. Somebody has just cooked it
4) Tourists have visited these places recently.
5) I have already told the news.
6) We have planted many trees.

ezzamarria: 1. the room is already cleaned
ezzamarria: 2. the new book was published recently
ezzamarria: 3. dinner was cooked by somebody
ezzamarria: 4. these places were visited recently
ezzamarria: the news were told
ezzamarria: 6.many trees were planted


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1) We have already cleaned the room.

 The room has already been cleaned.

2) They have published her new book recently.

Her new book has been published recently.

3) Dinner is ready and hot. Somebody has just cooked it.

    Dinner has just been cooked.

4) Tourists have visited these places recently.

   These places have been visited by tourists recently.

5) I have already told the news.

 The news has already been told by me.

6) We have planted many trees.

  Many trees have been planted by us.


Все эти предложения содержат глаголы в Present Perfect. При образовании пассивного залога нельзя менять время глагола, то есть вам нужно образовать формы Present Perfect Passive.

Схема такая:

have/has + been + 3-я форма глагола

Форма have используется после подлежащего I / we / you / they.

Форма has используется после подлежащего he / she / it.

Обратите внимание!

Хотя по-русски можно сказать «новость» в единственном числе и «новости» во множественном числе, в английском используется только одно слово – news, и это неисчисляемое существительное, которое всегда согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе: news is, news was, news has.

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