In your own words , answer the questions based on the information given in the text .
1 Name a problem you could face with an illegitimate taxi driver .
2 What might a European pedestrian be fined for in New York ?
3 What should a visitor avoid in the New York underground system ?

A New York is one of the most exciting city break destinations in the world New York is no more dangerous than any other city of its size . but Manhattan can be such a daunting place for visitors . It is essential for visitors to learn a few basics for staying safe . There's a good chance you'll take a traditional yellow cab in New York , but don't assume every cab you see is authorised . Ensure your driver has the official NYC Taxi logo on display in the vehicle . Unregistered drivers are usually uninsured and looking to overcharge their customers . It is common courtesy to tip the driver , unless you were given a very good reason not to . Failing to tip with typically outspoken New York cabbie , however would be to risk getting involved in an angry scene . When you arrive in the city , resist the urge to go sightseeing immediately . It's not only sensible to drop off your luggage , but also to lock away your valuables . Most New York hotels have safes in their rooms and it's wise to use them . Many people seem to be able to freely walk in and out of hotels in New York . For the same reason , it's advisable to check who's at your room door if you hear a knock . Most doors will have a peephole you can look through but you can always call reception if you're in doubt DWhen you're in the streets , bear in mind that New York has its fair share of pickpockets Avoid falling victim to them by trying not to look like a tourist . Also , give the impression that you know exactly where you're going . If you need look at your map . New York has endless cafés where the stressed - out tourist can stop . Sit down and get your bearings or just watch the hustle and bustle around you . do Even if blend in with residents , you should still be on your guard Europeans usually don't realise that stepping into the road when there's no walk signal or green man , known as jaywalking . is actually a criminal offence in New York . Don't risk a fine or , worse being run over by a car . If you're in a hurry , use the underground system . The New York ' subway is an inexpensive and reliable way to get around although some common - sense precautions should be followed . Don't , for example , board an empty carriage . In fact , it's a good idea to stay close other people as much as possible . This isn't always possible after 11pm , so solo travellers should either travel earlier or find an alternative late at night .



Ответ дал: SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves


1. You might have to overpay if your driver is illegitimate.

2. A European pedestrian might get a fine for jaywalking.

3. A visitor should avoid being alone in the New York subway.


1. Назовите проблему, с которой вы можете столкнуться, если воспользуетесь услугами незарегистрированного водителя?

Возможно, вам придется переплатить, если ваш водитель не зарегистрирован.

"Unregistered drivers are usually uninsured and looking to overcharge their customers."

("У незарегистрированных водителей обычно нет страховки, и они стараются завышать цены.")

2. За что в Нью-Йорке может быть оштрафован европейский пешеход?

Европейский пешеход может получить штраф за переход дороги в неположенном месте.

"Europeans usually don't realise that stepping into the road when there's no walk signal or green man, known as jaywalking, is actually a criminal offence in New York. Don't risk a fine or, worse, being run over by a car."

("Европейцы обычно не осознают, что, если вы ступили на дорогу, пока еще не загорелся зеленый, что называют переходом дороги в неположенном месте, то в Нью-Йорке вы совершаете преступление. Не рискуйте получить штраф, или, что еще хуже, оказаться сбитыми машиной.")

3. Чего должен избегать приезжий в нью-йоркском метрополитене?

Приезжий должен избегать быть одному в метро Нью-Йорка.

"Don't, for example, board an empty carriage. In fact, it's a good idea to stay close other people as much as possible."

("Например, не надо садиться в пустой вагон. Вообще, хорошей идеей будет держаться как можно ближе к другим людям."


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