Choose the correct word.
A teacher's job is to help someone (teach/learn) something. Many teachers work in (primary/prime) schools, (middle / mid) schools, and (high highly) schools. At the universities teachers are known as (professors / deans). They often have to create (tests / exams) for their students. This is a good way of (monitoring / metering) their students' progress. Teachers often (grade/value) their students, based on how well or poorly the students (performance / perform). A good teacher should be (patience / patient), and should be able to explain things in a clear way. In North America, teachers have to be licensed, which means that they have to finish / graduate) from (college/ university) and (compel / complete) a teacher training (programme/ritual) before being able to teach.​


Ответ дал: hasbeenunlocked


learn, primary, middle, high, professors, test, monitoring, grade, perfromance, patient, graduate, university, complete, programme

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