1) Use a, e, i, o, u.
1. A scientist needs to be c_nsc_ _nt_ _ _s and s_lf-m_t_v_t_d.
2. A sales representative needs to be c_nf_d_nt and _nth_s_ _st_c.
3. An athlete needs to be f_t and d_t_rm_n_d.
4. A chef needs to be cr_ _t_v_ and r_l_ _bl_.
5. A reseptionist needs to be p_l_t_ and th_ _ghtf_l.


Ответ дал: sonealya


  • 1) conscientious; self-motivated
  • 2) confident; enthusiastic
  • 3) fit; determined
  • 4) creative; reliable
  • 5) polite; thoughtful


1) A scientist needs to be conscientious (добросовестный) and self-motivated (целеустремленный).

2) A sales representative needs to be confident (уверенный) and enthusiastic (энергичный, полный энтузиазма).

3) An athlete needs to be fit (в форме) and determined (решительный).

4) A chef needs to be creative (креативный) and reliable (надежный).

5) A receptionist needs to be polite (вежливый) and thoughtful (внимательный, заботливый).

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