1.I know … you are thinking about
        a)whose                        b)that                        c)what                        d)which
2.The bread is stale. Why don't you … it away?
        a)do                        b)put                        c)throw                d)have
3.Do not get … the bus when it's moving.
        a)off                        b)out                        c)from                        d)down
4.It's such — village.
        a)nice little                b)a little nice                c)little nice                d)a nice little
5.Stop … noise.
        a)do                        b)make                c)doing                d)making
6.I've forgotten … everything I was told.
        a)of                        b)-                        c)from                        d)for
7.The money … on the pavement, but I didn't see it.
        a)was laying                b)were lying                c)was lying
8.I don't believe … he said.
        a)who                        b)that                        c)what                        d)whom
9.How long do you have … English classes?
        a)the                        b)a                        c)-
10.We were travelling toward … .
        a)a lovely old Verona's Italian city                b)the lovely old Italian city of Verona
        c)the Italian lovely city of old Verona


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 c 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 d 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 c 10b


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