Текст про місто чи місце яке чи хочеш відвідати у Британії на англ мові 30 балів!!!! Срочно


Ответ дал: Blooooossom

You won't find a more mediaeval city than York in all of Northern England. It's a place with extraordinary historical and cultural wealth. Here you want to wander for hours through the old narrow streets woven into a web, in the centre of which is the Gothic York Cathedral. Along with ancient architecture, there is also a place for modern institutions that are so necessary for every traveller: restaurants, cafes and pubs.

Where to go:

York Cathedral is number one on the list of attractions you should see in York. It is considered the largest mediaeval temple in Northern Europe and one of the most beautiful Gothic structures in the world. Go to the Yorkshire Museum, where more than a million exhibits are stored - some of them are more than 500,000 years old. Among the most iconic is the bust of Emperor Constantine VI century.

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