I. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense
1. I (to live) here (for/ since) 2012.
2. He (to work) there (for/ since) May.
3. They (to be) friends (for/ since) they started college.
4. We (to know) him (for/ since) three years.
5. They (to live) in our house (for/ since) two years.
6. She (to be) ill (for/ since) Friday.
7. I (not to be) in London (for/ since) I was a child.



1. I have lived here  since 2012.

2. He has worked there since May.

3. They have been friends since they started college. 

4. We have known him for three years.

5. They have lived in our house for two years.

6. She has been ill since Friday.

7. I haven't been in London since I was a child.

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