Choose the right word to complete the rest of the conversation. b A Are you married? B Yes, I’m married to an American. A What 1 does he do? (do / does) B He’s a teacher. He 2 science. (teach / teaches) A 3 he work at the local school? (Do / Does) B No, he 4 . (don’t / doesn’t) He 5 in Nashville. (work / works) A Does he 6 his job? (like / likes) B No, he 7 it very much. It’s a difficult school. (doesn’t like / doesn’t likes) A Are you happy in the United States? B I like the country, but not the weather. It 8 all the time. (rain / rains) A 9 you want to go back to Poland one day? (Do / Does) B Of course, but it isn’t easy. My husband 10 speak Polish. (don’t / doesn’t) A 11 you have children? (Do / Does) B Yes, two boys. A 12 they speak Polish? (Do / Does) B Yes, perfectly


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2. teaches 3.Does 4. No, he doesn't...


6. like 7. No, he doesn't like it very much 8. It rains all the time

9. Do you want...?

10. My husband doesn't speak Polish

11. Do you have children?

12. Do they speak Polish?


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