1.Complete the following sentences using the modal verbs should/ shouldn’t,
can/could/couldn’t, may/might, must/mustn’t or ought to.
I …… start to run every day, to get fit.
It …… be very difficult at first.
You …… go to bed earlier. And you …… read so late.
Well, you …… do more exercises. And you …… eat later than 7pm.
And you certainly …… stay up watching late-night films.
My little brother …… ride a bicycle, so he wants me to teach him.
I don’t understand. …… you repeat the question, please?

2.Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
This film will be very popular among …… who enjoy science fiction.
A these B those C some D someone
Fortunately, …… the guests were injured when the fire broke out at the hotel.
A none B none of C no one D no one of
You needn't buy more milk because there's …… in the fridge.
A very B much C lot D lots
…… students nor teachers were happy with the educational reforms.
A. Either B Either of C Neither D Neither of
…… of the members of the committee came up with a different proposal.
A. Every B Everyone C Each D Anyone
We've only got …… time left. Hurry up!
A little B a little C few D a few
It took Henry a(n) …… day to clear out the attic.
A. all B. all of C whole D complete
…… of the two girls was given a bicycle as a Christmas present.
A Both B. Either C Every one D Each one

3.Fill into the gaps Infinitive or Gerund
I love (play) board games with my family.
There’s no point in (do) this.
I’d love (see) your rabbit!
Did you remember (buy) some milk?
My parents made me (stay) at home.
They didn’t let us (leave) the room.
You should (be) very careful when you cross the street.
I don’t mind (help) you with the homework.
You should avoid (have) an argument with your mother.
It’s not worth (try) to spend your time on him.


Ответ дал: zamirbekovahadija485


1) should

2) must

3) should, couldn't

4) should, couldn't


6) couldn't

7) could

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