Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.

1. Mark (park) _________ his jeep under a No Parking sign and (go) _________ into the shop with his girlfriend. When they (come back) _________ 15 minutes later, they (notice) _________ that the car (be) _________ no longer there. Mark (be) _________ sure that somebody (steal) _________ it but his girlfriend (say) _________ that maybe the police (drive) _________ it away.
2. Yesterday I (ask) _________ Mary to go to the cinema with me. She (tell) _________ me that she (see) _________ that film before. However, when I (ask) _________ her if she (enjoy) _________ it, she (make) _________ a few vague remarks and (say) _________ that she (have to) _________ go home. Then I (start) _________ wondering if she (see) _________ that film at all.
3. Yesterday I (miss) _________ my train again. I (think) _________ it (leave) _________ at 7.30. However, when I (arrive) _________ at the station at 7.25, I (learn) _________ that it (just leave) _________ I (realize) _________ later that I (use) _________ the wrong timetable.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Mark parked his Jeep under a No Parking sign and went into the shop with his girlfriend. When they came back15 minutes later, they noticed that the car had no longer been there. Mark was sure that somebody had stolen it but his girlfriend said that maybe the police had driven it away.2. Yesterday I asked Mary to go to the cinema with me. She told me that she had seen that film before. However, when I asked her if she enjoyed it, sh made a few vague remarks and said that she had to go home. Then I started wondering if she had seen that film at all.

3. Yesterday I missed my train again . I thought it left at 7.30. However, when I arrived at the station at 7.25, I learnt that it had just left . I realized later that I had used the wrong timetable.


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