er 10 Write a word from Units 4-6 to match these meanings. The first letter of each word is given. 1 art lesson: a school subject which involves painting and drawing 2 b :you look through these to see things far away 3 coffein : it's in coffee and tea and it makes you feel active : you make this when you decide to do something 5 e : a formal test 6 f drink: a drink with gas 7 8 : we play these (e.g. football, tennis) : students do this after school for 8h their teacher 9 i t : the subject of computers; what IT stands for 10 ____ f : food that isn't healthy because it has lots of fat or sugar 11 first aid k : a bag of medicines, bandages, etc., to treat ill/injured people : books, poems, plays 12 1 13 m : a fast form of transport with two wheels 14 n_____________ :it's got empty pages and you write notes in it 15 0 : connected to the internet 16 p. : a small round piece of medicine that you put in your mouth and swallow 17 r : a sport for which you have to wear special boots with wheels 18 s : a large boat that carries people or things across the sea : an electric street train 19 t :special clothes that students have 20 u to wear at school 21 V : potatoes, carrots, onions and peas are this type of food : clothes that don't allow water to 22 w enter are this : an activity that helps relax the 23 y. body and mind​



Ответ дал: kitty5535


2. binoculars

4. decision

5. exam

6. fizzy drink

7. games

8.  homework

9. information technology

10. junk food

11. first aid kit

12. literature

13. motorbike

14. notebook

15. online

16. pill

17. rollerblading

18.  ship

19. tram

20. uniform

21. vegetable

22. waterproof

23. yoga


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