B Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words. 11 Did they give you a map of the area? provide Did they a map of the area? 12 My intention is to travel to Malta by ferry. going I 13 I like staying by the sea when I'm on holiday. coast I like staying when I'm on holiday. 14 Be careful when you leave the bus. off Be careful when you the bus. 15 The beach is close to the hotel, so we can walk there. foot We can from the hotel to the beach because it's close. 16 Why don't you drive to Brighton this weekend? car Why don't you go to Brighton this weekend? 17 We're going to return to Bali again this summer. back We're going to Bali again this summer. 18 I like to watch the planes leaving the ground when I'm at the airport. off I like to watch the planes travel to Malta by ferry. when I'm at the airport.

пожалуйста помогите))


Ответ дал: SheWhoRunsOnTheWaves


  • 11. Did they provide you with a map of the area?
  • 12. I am going to travel to Malta by ferry.
  • 13. I like staying on the sea coast when I'm on holiday.
  • 14. Be careful when you get off the bus.
  • 15. We can go on foot from the hotel to the beach because it's close.
  • 16. Why don't you go to Brighton by car this weekend?
  • 17. We're going to go back to Bali again this summer.
  • 18. I like to watch the planes taking off when I'm at the airport.


11. Did they give you a map of the area? (provide)

⇒ Did they provide you with a map of the area?

  • provide sb with sth - снабдить кого-то чем-то

12. My intention is to travel to Malta by ferry. (going)

⇒ I am going to travel to Malta by ferry.

  • be going to - собираться что-то сделать

13. I like staying by the sea when I'm on holiday. (coast)

⇒ I like staying on the sea coast when I'm on holiday.

  • sea coast - берег моря
  • слово coast обычно употребляется с предлогом on

14. Be careful when you leave the bus. (off)

⇒ Be careful when you get off the bus.

  • get off the bus - выходить из автобуса

15. The beach is close to the hotel, so we can walk there. (foot)

⇒ We can go on foot from the hotel to the beach because it's close.

  • go on foot - идти пешком

16. Why don't you drive to Brighton this weekend? (car)

⇒ Why don't you go to Brighton by car this weekend?

  • go somewhere by car - поехать куда-нибудь на машине
  • когда мы указываем средство передвижения, используется предлог by; исключение: on foot

17. We're going to return to Bali again this summer. (back)

⇒ We're going to go back to Bali again this summer.

  • go back - вернуться
  • отличие от come back в том, где находится говорящий: если он сейчас в том месте, куда хочет вернуться, то используем come back; если нет - go back

18. I like to watch the planes leaving the ground when I'm at the airport. (off)

⇒ I like to watch the planes taking off when I'm at the airport.

  • take off - отрываться от земли, взлетать


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