so…that… or such… that…
умоляю, это очень срочно



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


19 Hai is so rich that he can afford to buy almost anything.

20 It was such a long speech that everybody felt bored.

21 It was such a wonderful time that I don't want to leave.

22 Skiing was such a good experience that I decided to do it again.

23 Her English accent is so excellent that everybody thinks she is British.

24 Thailand has so many beautiful temples that millions of tourists go there every year.

25 The movie is so wonderful that I want to watch it again.


Such используется перед существительным или перед сочетанием прилагательного с существительным.
So - перед наречием или прилагательным без последующего существительного.

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