Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in CAPITALS.
1.The doctor said it wasn’t a serious…and he had nothing to worry about. ILL
2. If you want to go to that new restaurant, I’ll make a… for tomorrow night. RESERVE
3. You must make a… soon or he’ll find someone else for the job. DECIDE
4. I stayed at home and watched a film. It was a really…evening. RELAX
5. She gave an amazing…in the concert. PERFORM
6. All new students must go to the…desk on their first day. REGISTER
7. You don’t have many… so it won’t take you long to move house. POSSESS
8. Her… as a writer grows every year. POPULAR


Ответ дал: callmespecial

1. illness

2. reservation

3. decision

4. relaxing

5. performance

6. registration

7. possessions

8. popularity

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