1 Complete the sentences. Use going to (+, –, or ?).
> Grammar Reference (GR) 11.1
1 (+) Look! It’s going to be a lovely day!
2 (?) ______ Bill ____________ see Dan tonight?
3 (–) I ____________ study this weekend.
4 (+) Be careful! You ____________ fall.
5 (–) We ____________ play football today.
6 (?) ______ you ____________ cook dinner tonight?
7 (+) He ____________ pass the exam.
8 (–) I ____________ work tomorrow.
9 (?) ______ they ____________ stay with us?
2 Rewrite the sentences. Use an infinitive of purpose. > GR 11.2
1 I’m going out because I want to walk the dog.
I’m going out to walk the dog.
2 They’re saving money because they want to buy a flat.
3 She’s going to the bank because she wants to get some cash.
4 Nick is running because he wants to get fit.
5 You are studying because you want to learn English.
6 I’m going to the chemist’s because I want to buy aspirin.


Ответ дал: goldfish71p2x3jw



2) Is Bill going to see Dan?

3) I'm not going to study this weekend.

4) You are going to fall.

5) We aren't going to play football today.

6) Are you going to cook dinner?

7) He isn't going to pass the exam.

8) I'm not going to work tomorrow.

9) Are they going to stay with us?


2) They are saving money to buy a flat.

3) She's going to the bank to get some cash.

4) Nick is running to get fit.

5) You are studying to learn English.

6) I'm going to the chemist's to buy aspirin.


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