1. They know everything about English grammar,…?
a) did they b) don’t they c) doesn’t they
2. He can tell about my brother,…?
a) can’t he b) can he c) could he
3. Joe saw that before, …?
a) don’t Joe b) did he c) didn’t he
4. Kate hasn’t come yet, …?
a) has she b) hasn’t she c) has Kate
5. Danil and Ramiz won’t phone us, ...?
a) won’t they b) will he c) will we
6. Do you know that water …at -4C?
a) freezes b) is freezing c) freeze
7. Tim … backetball best of all in the team.
a) plays b) is playing c) play
8. Fewer and fewer people … alcohol nowadays.
a) drink b) are drinking c) drinks
9. Write nouns in singular or in plural form.
a) a man - …, b)… - teeth, c) a goose - …,d) … - mice, e) … - children, f) an ox - …, g) a fish - … .
10. There is …pencil on the desk.
a) a b) an c) the
11.Close … door, please!
a) a b) an c) the
12. It’s …film Durdana advised me to see.
a) a b) an c) the
13.Translate the words from English to Russian
a) an idiom b) helpful c) a drill d) to interpret e) up-to-date f) old-fashioned g) disappointed


Ответ дал: gribockinsemen


1b 2a 3c 4a в пятом нет правильного ответа 6а 7a 8a 9 men tooth geese mouse child oxen fish 10 a 11 c 12 c

ek1makarek1: спасибо, но, что в 13)?
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