‼️‼️‼️ПОМОГИТЕ ‼️‼️special questions from these sentences using the special words from the brackets. (Построй специальные вопросы, используя вопросительные слова в скобках) Ex. He has eaten a lot of burgers that's why he feels bad now. (Why) -Why does he feel bad now? 1. Columbus discovered America. (What) 2. She took picture of elephants at the Zoo. (Where) 3. He wanted to buy a map of London. (Where) www wwwwwwww 4. They jumped from the skyscraper. (Why) 5. She came home at ten o'clock. (When) 6. We were listened to the music at this time a week ago. (What) 7. Julia went to the theatre with her parents last week. (Where) 8. We had two Maths lessons yesterday. (When) 9. They saw a big bear in the forest ten days ago. (Where) 10. Tom got a new laptop as a birthday present. (What) ​


Ответ дал: resentler


1. Columbus discovered America. (What) What did he discovere?

2. She took pictures of elephants at the Zoo. (Where) Where did she take pictures of elephants?

3. He wanted to buy a map in London. (Where) Where did he want to buy a map? (maybe).

4. They jumped from the skyscraper. (Why) Why did they jump from?

5.  She came home at ten o'clock. (When) When did she come home?

6. We were listened to the music at this time a week ago. (What) What were they listening at this time a week ago?

7. Julia went to the theatre with her parents last week. (Where) Where did Julia go to the theatre with her parents?

8. We had two Maths lessons yesterday. (When) When did they have two Maths lessons?

9. They saw a big bear in the forest ten days ago. (Where) Where did they see a big bear in the forest?

10. Tom got a new laptop as a birthday present. (What) ​What did he get as a birthday present?

Good luck!


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