Complete with the Present simple or the Present continuous. It's Saturday. Every Saturday Fred (play) 1 plays football and his team usually but today it's a special (win) 2 match. They (play) 3 the girls' team. All the gang are there at the match. Popsy on television on usually (sing) 4 Saturday but today she (sing) 5 song for Fred at the match. Look, Max a (stand) 6 with her. Max usually (watch) 7 Popsy and the football match on television but today he (sing) 8 with Popsy! The twins (stand) 9 in front of Popsy and Max. They don't usually (go) 10 football match on Saturday. They (go) 11 to the to the fast food restaurant. But today they (watch) 12 the big his the ball. It's bicycle kick! He (kick) 14 match. Look at Fred! He (do) 13° a goal - but the ball is in the wrong goal! Oh dear, Fred! What a mistake!


Ответ дал: Пеппер

Every Saturday Fred  plays football and his team usually but today it's a special wins match. They are playing the girls' team. All the gang are there at the match. Popsy on television on usually sings Saturday but today she  is singing song for Fred at the match. Look, Max is standing with her. Max usually watches Popsy and the football match on television but today he is singing with Popsy! The twins are standing in front of Popsy and Max. They don't usually go football match on Saturday. They go to the to the fast food restaurant. But today they are watching the big his the ball. It's bicycle kick! He  is doing match. Look at Fred! He is kicking a goal - but the ball is in the wrong goal! Oh dear, Fred! What a mistake!

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