8 Complete the sentences to agree politely. 1 A I've got the messiest children in the world! B Yes, they aren't very tidy, are they? 2 A I'm sorry the house is so dirty. B Don't worry. My house is never very____ either. 3 A Shall I turn the TV off? This programme is boring. B OK. I suppose it isn't_____ very 4 A I'm really angry with Max. Sometimes he's so stupid! B Yes, sometimes he isn't_____ too 5 A Cheer up! You look miserable. BI know. I'm not feeling particularly_____ today. 6 A Bill has no imagination! I don't think he's very good at art. B Well, you're right, he's not_____ very 7 A The waiters in this restaurant can be rude sometimes. BI agree. They're not______ always 8 A Look at the bill! This restaurant is incredibly expensive. B Mmm. I suppose it isn't very_____


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2. My house is never clean either.

3.I suppose, it isn't very interesting.

4. Yes, sometimes he isn't too smart

5. ...I'm not feeling particularly happy today.

6. Well, you're right, he's not very brilliant.

7. I agree. They're not always polite.

8. Mmm, I suppose, it isn't very cheap.


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