When + Past Simple + Past Perfect
10 предложение​


Ответ дал: ademavereshak67


1.what's the matter? why hestopped

2. my cousin in is to looking for a job but he not to fing a job yet

3. lt has been impossib for her to feel at home here

4.whar are you to studying now?

5. they have just give hy out pay rise

6. Sophie is busy. she to kiting a.

7. you only had apiece of cake? you have not

8. people are plating carrots and tomatoes now

9. you are going to plant tomatoes this year

10.Johnny ,who finally to found a new job, to given a big party.

rukhsora201: спс за старание но я не об этом просила
ademavereshak67: капец я так старалась
ademavereshak67: обидно даже
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