write about national dishes/ drinks in Kazakhstan (12-15 предложений)​


Ответ дал: angelinaohanesyan
Kazakhstan Is a country with great culture and delicious food. It is rich with national dishes, any person should try. For example “beshbarmak”, which means “five fingers” because traditionally you eat it with five fingers. Second dish is “Kazy” traditional sausage made of horse’s ribbed meat. There is another national dish called “Baursaks” made from spherical or triangular pieces of dough and fried in oil. People believe that the smell of the oil and the frying baursak floats high into the sky so that your dead loved ones can feed on the aroma and enjoy them with you. In Kazakhstan there is a cheese called “Kurt”. People make it from dehydrated sour cream by forming small balls and letting it dry. Another Famous national dish is called “Kuyrdak” . It is made of cow’s, horse’s or sheep’s chopped heart, liver, kidneys boiled in oil, and served with onion and pepper. “Sorpa” is a national dish which translates as “broth” . In Kazakhstan, this is a wonderfully rich soup made from lamb. “Nan-salma” is a very popular Kazakh dish, somewhat reminiscent of lagman. This is an unusual dish consisting of meat, gravy, and small squares of cooked dough.
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