НУЖНА ВАША ПОМОЩЬ с двумя заданиям!
Точнее полтора;) номер 20(6,7,8,9) и 21



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


6. I don't know. I haven't decided yet.

7. It was on the table last night.

8. Yes, I have eaten there a few times.

9. Are they? What time did they arrive?

21.1 When were you there the last time?

2. A: How long have you had it?

B: It's new. I bought it yesterday.

3. How long have you lived there?

Five years. Before that I lived in Mill Road

How long have you lived in Mill Road?

4. How long have you worked there?

What did you do before that?

I was a taxi driver.


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