№ 77.
The soldiers fight ............. their country.
A. out of
B. out of
C. Into
D. With
E. For
№ 78.
That’s the palace ….the Qween lives there.
A. Where
B. What
C. Who
D. Whose
E. Which
№ 79.
They ............. milk this morning.
A. Drunk
B. To drink
C. Drank
D. Drinked
E. Drink
№ 80.
............. coffee do you want? One cup.
A. How many
B. Where
C. Who
D. What
E. How much
№ 81.
.............bridges are in Pittsburgh ?
A. Where
B. How many
C. How long
D. How much
E. What
№ 82.
............. holidays are there in September?
A. Where
B. How much
C. What
D. Who
E. How many
№ 83.
............. mangoes do you have? One.
A. Where
B. What
C. How many
D. Who
E. How much
№ 84.
Did they ............. basketball yesterday?
A. Play
B. Played
C. playing
D. Plays
E. to play
№ 85.
............. milk did you drink today? Two glasses.
A. Who
B. How much
C. Where
D. What
E. How many
№ 86.
He went away ............. December 10th.
A. From
B. In
C. On
D. Is
E. At
№ 87.
The fishermen live ............. the sea.
A. By
B. Is
C. In
D. For
E. out of
№ 88.
............. he ............. here this morning?
A. Will, arrive
B. Does, arrives
C. Did, arrive
D. Did, arrived
E. Do, arrive
№ 89.
What is the appropriate word? “I hope their children don’t come. They are so …”
A. Badly-written
B. Badly-done
C. Badly-behaved
D. Badly-known
E. Badly-equipped
№ 90.
He works hard ............. he wants money.
A. With
B. Because
C. But
D. Too
E. And


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj



78. where


80. How much coffee. - с неисчисляемым существит.- How much.

81. How many bridges are . ? - с исчисляемые существительным

82. How many holidays are. ?

83. How many mangoes ...?

84. Did they play basketball yesterday? - past Simple ( yesterday)

85. How much milk did you.... ? -с неисчисляемым существ. milk

86. He went away on December 10th. - перед числом месяца - on

87. ...by the sea - возле моря.

88. Did he arrive here ...? Past Simple., вопрос: Did+подлежащее+ глагол сказуемое без окончаний

89. C- badly - behaved - плохого поведения.

90. He works hard because he wants money. - нужно по смыслу. Он упорно работает, потому что хочет денег.


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