1. Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. 1. once / of /some / there / Bees / were / lived / who / a tree / in / the hollow 2. them / a Bear / about / learned / it / see / to / came / and 3. I'll / if / you/ uproot / don't/ the tree / give / honey / me / your 4. hurt/ the Bees / tongue / his / ears / and 5. the Bear / away / ran 6. enemy / together / you/with/will/strong / be/ others / to / and / able / beat / any


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Once there were some Bees who lived in the hollow of the tree. 2. A Bear learned about it and came to see them. 3. I'll uproot the tree if you don't give me your honey. 4. The Bees hurt his tongue and ears. 5. The Bear ran away. 6.Together with others you will be strong and able to beat any enemy.

Объяснение: В предложениях - Past Simple, глагол- сказуемое смотри в таблице неправильных глаголов, второй столбец. Если глагола там нет нужно + окончание -ed.

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