V. Заповніть пропуски дієсловами з дужок, уживаючи їх у потрібній формі в Present Indefinite.
1. Kate … (not watch) TV in the morning. She … (watch) TV in the evening.
2. These dogs … (not bark) at cats. They … (bark) at cars.
3. Nothing … (fly) into the mouth of a sleeping fox.
4. Fortune … (favour) the brave.
5. … she (speak) English well?
6. … you (read) books every day?
7. How often … Rita … to the zoo (go)?
8. What Ukrainian writers … you … (like)?


Ответ дал: destinystyle123
1. Kate doesn’t watch TV in the morning. She watches TV in the evening.
2. These dogs doesn’t bark at cats. They bark at cars.
3. Nothing flies into the mouth of a sleeping fox.
4. Fortune favours the brave.
5.Does she speak English well?
6. Do you read books every day?
7. How often does Rita go to the zoo?
8. What Ukrainian writers do you like?
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