Нужно сделать 1 и 2 я сделала красные не знаю как сделать 1 и второе помогите это срочно пж



Ответ дал: Dragdarina


1. Was, was sitting, was writing, was writing, was cooking, wrote, was, invited, stopped, went

2. Spent, lived, was going, covered, began, were running, was raining

kozlovskaaalisa15: Спасибо огромное
Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. It was rainy afternoon. Nick was sitting at the table and writing to my friend. He was writing about his last summer holidays. His mother was cooking dinner when he was writing the letter. As soon as his dinner was ready, his mother invited him to have dinner. Nick stopped writing and went to the kitchen.

2. Last summer we spent in the country. We lived in a small house. Every day we went to the river. Suddenly a big grey cloud covered the sun and it began raining heavily. We ran home. It was raining the whole evening and night.


kozlovskaaalisa15: Спасибо
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