Complete the missing words in the sentences.

1 We love walking in the mountains because it's very peacefu

2 Let's stay at home this evening. The weather's h

It's really cold.

3 Do you like travelling a

or do you prefer

going with someone else?

4 Sally's always the first person to dance a


5 My dad's a terrible singer, but he always sings

Sik v.

6 My sister's really f

in the shower. of dogs, especially

big ones.​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. We love walking in the mountains because it's very peaceful.

2. Let's stay at home this evening. The weather's horrible. It's really cold.

3. Do you like travelling alone or do you prefer going with someone else?

4. Sally's always the first person to dance again/или: to dance attendance.

5. My dad's a terrible singer, but he always sings in the shower.

6. My sister's really fond of dogs, especially big ones.


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