Cambia las frases en negativo y interrogativo
Helen will go with me to the concert
-helen will not go with me to the concert
-will helen go with me to the concert?

1-I’ll be in monterrey next week
2-You’ll drive to las Vegas
3-We are going to see the doctor tomorrow
4-He said he wont’t speak to me again
5-She won’t take photos qr the party
6-It’s not going to rain this friday
7-Shall i take the dog for a Walk
8-Will we see you tomorrow


Ответ дал: Norug


1. I will not be in Monterrey next week

Will you be in Monterrey next week?

2. You will not drive to las Vegas

Will you drive to las Vegas?

3. We aren't going to see the doctor tomorrow

Are you going to see the doctor tomorrow?

4.He didn't say to me that he won't speak to me again

Did he say to you that he won't speak with you again?

5. She will take photos qr the party

Will she take photos qr the party?

6. It is going to rain this Friday

Is it going to rain this Friday?

7. I shall take the dog for a walk

I shall not take the dog for a walk

8. We will see you tomorrow

We will not see you tomorrow

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