12 Circle the correct item.

1) He thinks/is thinking the situation is beyond control. 2) I think/am thinking about going to the cinema tonight. 3) The secretary has/is having lunch now. 4) My aunt has/is having a cottage house near the river. 5) I see/am seeing what you mean. 6) Albert sees/is seeing his dentist in the afternoon. 7) Do you enjoy/Are you enjoying this performance? 8) Little Betty enjoys is enjoying watching cartoons. 9) This butter tastes/is tasting bitter. 10) Why do you taste/are you tasting the salad? - It seems to me there isn't enough salt in it. 11) Jessica is/is being very lazy these days. 12) Our boss is/is being a very polite person. 13) Terry looks/is looking very funny in this hat. 14) Jake and Nora look/are looking through the documents for the meeting.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. He thinks the situation is beyond control. Think в значении 'считает', его точка зрения.

2. I am thinking about going to the cinema tonight. Думает, о чем-то конкретно.

3. The secretary is having lunch now. Действие длится сейчас, present Continuous.

4. My aunt has a cottage house near the river. Present Simple постоянное действие.

5. I see what you mean. See- в значении 'понимаю'.

6. Albert is seeing his dentist in the afternoon. Запланированное действие.

7. Are you enjoying this performance?

8. Little Betty enjoys watching cartoons.

9. This butter tastes bitter.

10. Why are you tasting the salad?

11. Jessica is very lazy these days.

13. Our boss is a very polite person.

14. Terry looks very funny in this hat.

15. Jake and Nora are looking through the documents for the meeting.


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