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Exercise 8. Complete the sentences below with may, might, can, could, be able to. You can also use the negative form of the verbs.

1. I ___ see Tom tomorrow. He will probably come to the lesson.
2. She was wondering if she ___ use your phone.
3. I was lucky. I ___ get a taxi, so I arrived early.
4. ___ you help me lay this table?
5. There was a party last night but I ___ go as I felt bad.
6. Take your umbrella. They said it ___ rain later.
7. He ___ speak many foreign languages.
8. You ___ keep my book for a week.
9. Nick ___ run long distances two years ago.
10. Let us ask mother. She ___ know his address.
11. ___ you help me for a few minutes, please?
12. I don’t believe he ___ (ever) work honestly. We’d better give him a sack now.
13. I am sorry, but I ___ come tonight.
14. There ___ be life on Mars.
15. I ___ dance since I sprained my ankle.


Ответ дал: Doraniko

....блен а чо так сложно

Ответ дал: bjj2dfxzpp
1. I’ll
2. could
3. did
4. Can
5. didn’t
6. will
7. does
8 can
9. could
10. doesn’t
11. Will
12. he’ll ever
13. can’t
14. will
15. can’t
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