5 стверджувальних речень Past Simple
зі словам « cook, do my homework, go to school, get home, get the work ».
5 стверджувальних речень Present Continuous зі словами « wake up, have breakfast, watch videos, go shopping, relax»
5 стверджувальних речень Present Simple зі словами « finish, get up, tidy my room, go to bed, go to work »
до завтра 08:10 будь ласка
Велике дякую


Ответ дал: lilsallix77

лови зайка <3

past simple:Yesterday mom cooked a delicious meal.I did my homework before I went to bed.I went to school at 8 o’clock last morning.It was 5 o’clock when she from work.I got the work finished.present continuous:I’m waking up at 7 a.m. i'm still having my breakfast.john’s watching funny videos.they’re going shopping tonight.Currently we’re relaxing with friends together Preset Simple:i usually finish my homework before i go out.he always gets up at 9 a.m.i often tidy my room.Something i go to bed very late.my mom goes to work every day.

kravchenkom250: велике дякую
lilsallix77: не варто дякувати, тобі не шкода зробити)
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