Используйте глаголов в скобках у Present Simple aбo Present Continuous:

1.Are you coming to dance class today?" "No, I (have) a really bad headache

2. Tom (think) dance music is the best.

3.Leanne (wear) a suit today because she's got an interview .

4.We (work) hard in our organic vegetable garden at the moment.

5. If you do an evening class you always (make) new friends.

6.Pat (write) brilliant essays. She wants to be a journalist.

7. (not like) video games at all!

8.Suzy can't hear you because she (listen) to her MP3 player really loud.​


Ответ дал: lilsallix77

1)i’m having


3)is wearing

4)are working



7)i don’t like

8)is listening

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