Напишите текст(эссе, историю ) с использованиях 6-8времен. А именно: Present simple , Present continues, Present perfect simple,Present perfect continues,Past simple, Past continues, Past perfect, Past perfect continues…ПОМОГИТЕ


Ответ дал: ajmirakanat232


Present Perfect:

I have done my homework already.

He hasn't done his homework yet.

I have never met such a nice person.

Present Simple:

I go to school every morning.

We usualy have tea after breakfast.

She works as a shop assistant.

Present Continuous:

I am listening to music now.

We are watching TV right now.

Peter is playing football now.

Past Simple:

I saw him yesterday.

They painted the house two years ago.

Nick visited his grandmother last week.

Past Continuous:

I was playing tennis when he called me.

She was writing a letter yesterday at 5 o'clock.

We were cooking dinner when he came.

tropkinaleksandra22: Спасибо конечно но нужно полноценный текст, как история:( связаные между собой предложения
ajmirakanat232: Ааааа
ajmirakanat232: Незнаю даже
tropkinaleksandra22: :(
ajmirakanat232: Какой класс
tropkinaleksandra22: 10
ajmirakanat232: Я 7
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