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Ответ дал: ayakayla

56. I wouldn't buy that scooter if I (c) were you - II Conditional

57. What (d) would you give me if I cleaned your room? - II Conditional

58. That's the man (c) whose wife owns the bookshop. - whose - чей

59. I can't give you this book. It (d) belongs to someone else. - to belong - принадлежать

60. James (c) asked me if I knew his number. - to ask - спросить

61. A cheetah runs (d) a lot faster than a cow! - a lot - намного (=much)

62. A cricket team and a football team (d) both have 11 players. - both - оба

63. I don't like junk food (a) either. - either - тоже

64. Sheila is someone (a) who achieves 100% on everything. - who - которая

65. Chess (b) is played on a board. - Пассивный залог простой

66. Currently, many types of animals (b) are being killed by humans - Пассив, но continuous, из-за слова currently

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