Choose the correct answers.

1. She go/goes/going to school by bus every day.

2. He is going/goes/go swimming on Fridays

3. She plays hockey/is playing hockey/playing hockey in this picture.

4. Tom and Mark are eating/is eating/eating now. 5. We don't reading/aren't reading/reading this book.

6. They study English/are studying English/study English now. 7. Listen! Sally playing/is playing/play the piano in the living room.

8. Are/Do/Does they run/runnig/runs in this picture?

9. My dog don't bark/doesn't bark/isn't bark a lot. 10. The computer don't/isn't/doesn't working at the moment.

11. Does/Do/Are you like/likes/liking ice-cream?

12. We playing/are playing/play videogames on the weekends.

13. You aren't cleaning/don't clean/cleaning your room now.

14. We usually drinking/drinks/drink water with our lunch. 15. I sometimes playing/am playing/play cards with my friends.

16. He never fight/fights/fighting with his friends.

17. Jack are playing/playing/is playing table tennis with John.

18. She always do/does/doing her homework every day after school. 19. They are very tired because they playing/are playing/play footbal

20. Why is she happy? Because she winning/is winning/wins the match.

21. My mother riding/is riding/rides her bike in this picture.

22. They don't go/aren't go/not going to school on the weekends. 23. Does/Do/Is she driving/drive/drives a red car?

24. Is/Are/Am you talking on the phone now? Yes, I are/is/am.

25. Does/Do/Are they like fly/flies/flying on a plane?

26. Does/Are/Do Tom and Claire buy/buying/buys the tickets right now? 27. My brother watching/is watching/watches Tv now.

28. Wait a second, please, I writing/write/am writing an email.

29. Look! They dance/are dancing/ dancing in the playground. 30. I can't help you. I eating/am eating/eat right now.​

dimaistinuk: Добрый день, помогите пожалуйста с английским
dimaistinuk: Вот ссылка
dimaistinuk: Очень прошу
Rendell2023: хорошо, попробую
dimaistinuk: Очень благодарен
Rendell2023: извините,я просмотрел задания,но я из не понимаю, попросите кого-нибудь другого,мне очень жаль(


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. She goes to school by bus every day.

2. He goes  swimming on Fridays.

3. She is playing hockey in this picture.

4. Tom and Mark are eating now.  5. We aren't reading this book.

6. They are studying English  now. 7. Listen! Sally is playing the piano in the living room.

8. Are  they runnig  in this picture?

9. My dog doesn't bark a lot. 10. The computer isn't  working at the moment.

11. Do you like ice-cream?

12. We play videogames on the weekends.

13. You aren't cleaning your room now.

14. We usually  drink water with our lunch. 15. I sometimes play  cards with my friends.

16. He never fights  with his friends.

17. Jack is playing table tennis with John.

18. She always does  her homework every day after school. 19. They are very tired because they are playing   footbal

20. Why is she happy? Because she is winning  the match.

21. My mother is riding  her bike in this picture.

22. They don't go  to school on the weekends. 23. Does she drive a red car?

24. Are you talking on the phone now? Yes, I am.

25. Do  they like flying on a plane?

26. Are  Tom and Claire  buying the tickets right now? 27. My brother is watching Tv now.

28. Wait a second, please, I am writing an email.

29. Look! They  are dancing іn the playground. 30. I can't help you. I am eating right now.​


Rendell2023: благодарю!!)
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