з англійської Два речення в past continuous і два речення в past continuous з різними випадками

Luux: Past Continuous:
Luux: 1. I was preparing for our tomorrows dinner with my boss when wife came home. 2. She was writing her KET exam when teacher said that the time had passed.
Luux: Past Simple:
Luux: 1.I wore a gorgeous dress with seashells on waist and blue heels. 2. Today I practised on piano for 2 hours.


Ответ дал: BarsikRabotaet

1. Im doing my homework right now.

2. Sorry im working now.

1. Im still going to swimming pool.

2. I have online English lessons right now.

Хорошего дня! :)

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj

Ответ: Present Continuous - Past Continuous

She's riding a horse now. -She was riding a horse at 6 o'clock yesterday.

They're planting trees at the moment. - They were planting trees from 3 p.m. till 5 p.m.yesterday.


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