опишите внешность своих членов семьи (мама, папа, мл. брат) 50 Баллов вроде ​


Ответ дал: savatdinovanvar


My mum is beautiful. Her hair is black/brown and long/short. She is short/tall. Her eyes are medium, nose small/big.

My dad is fat/thin. His hair short. He is long/short. His eyes are brown.


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Ответ дал: 3w4cringelmao
my mum is tall blonde-hair woman. she has blue eyes and thin lips. she loves to wear pretty dresses and elegant suits too. her favourite aspect of look is a handbag, so she always takes it with herself.
my dad is also really tall. he has short brown hair and beard. his green eyes really styles his appearance. he loves to wear sport clothes, preferring dark colours.
also i have little brother. he is not ever tall, but measuring my parents genes he will. he has blonde hair up to the ears and green eyes. he loves to wear shirts with his favourite cartoon characters.
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