5*** Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in capitals. The car stopped working on the way to the airport. DOWN The car broke down on the way to the airport. 1 Why does Frankie admire Thomas so highly? LOOK Why does Frankie so much? 2 I'm hoping to learn some Spanish when I'm in Barcelona next month. PICK I hope month. 3 Claire wasn't interested in camping holidays before last summer. GOT Claire when I'm in Barcelona next camping holidays only last summer. 4 Trudy persuaded Lizzy to give her a lift to the station. TALKED Trudy giving her a lift to the station. 39​



Ответ дал: vika211286


1) look up to Thomas

2)to pick up some Spanish

3)got into

4)talked Lizzy into

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