1. a) Write down the words in the correct order. your name? 1) your / What's / name? → What's What's 2) surname / your / What's? 3) from/ are/ Where you? 4) you / How / are/ old? 5) phone/What's /home/your/number? 6) spell/ you / Can / please / your / name? 7) number / What's/phone/your/mobile? b) Now write the answers to the questions. 1. My name's Aidar. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.​


Ответ дал: rahimovabarnogul


1.Whats your name

2Whats your surname

Where are you from

4How old are you

5Can you spell you name please

What's your number mobile phone


I am from Moskva

My surname Kobyakov

I am 28 years old


My name is Vlad

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