C. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive
of the verbs in brackets.
A: What (1)
(you/plan) to do tonight?
B:1 (2)
my project on European painters.
(not/know). I usually
(hang) out with my friends but I have to finish
B: Great idea. I (5)
A: That's interesting because the National Museum
can go if you like.
(hold) an exhibition on them this week. We
(believe) it will help me a lot.
A: Hi there! Why (6)
B: Actually yes. I (8),
I always (9)
A: Well, I (11),
(you/go) on a trip?
(see) them.
(visit) my grandparents this weekend.
(work) long hours so I rarely
(hope) you have a nice time.спочнооооооо


Ответ дал: ildartoleukhan65


He Usually goes to an island on holiday,but this summer he is traveling/ travelling all around Europe.

2. What are you doing?

I am cooking. I love cooking.

1. A: Where did you go Last Tuesday?

B: I went to my friend's house.

2. Ididn't see you at the party.

3. A:Were you at the office yesterday morning?

B: No. I worked at home yesterday.

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


A: What  are you planning to do tonight?

B:  I don't know.  I usually  hang out with my friends but I have to finish

my project on European painters.

A: That's interesting because the National Museum  is holding  an exhibition on them this week. We  can go if you like.

B: Great idea. I believe it will help me a lot.

2. A: Hi there! Why  are you packing? Are you going on trip?

B: Actually yes. I  am visiting  my grandparents this weekend.

I always work  long hours so I rarely see them.

A: Well, I  hope you will  have a nice time.


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